
We are happy to welcome players of any brass band instrument but particular vacancies exist for Bb bass and Baritone.  If you would like to be a part of this welcoming and hard-working band please call the band secretary, Helen Pierce, on  07790557572, send an email to or use the contact form on this website.

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January 2025 Events

July 2013

Snce our report the Band has marched on to glory and perhaps we should think of ourselves as the Pangbourne Prize Silver Band. At the brass workshop at Englefield School on 13-14 April, our Trainer, Derek Broadbent emphasised the particular care that should be given to playing correct note values and rhythms in marches and we took this to heart. Then, at the Annual March and Test Piece Contest of the Southern Counties Amateur Bands Association at The Hawth Theatre, Crawley on 28 April, we were awarded first prize for our march, Balmashanna and third prize overall for our test piece, Divertimento for Brass (Darrol Barry), being beaten only by Brighton and Hove City and Sussex Brass of Hastings. When announcing the results, the Adjudicator made the point that marches weren't easy to play well and needed great attention to note values and rhythms! Then the Band journeyed to the Saddleworth and Thameside region of Lancashire to take part with over 80 bands from Britain and Europe in the traditional Whit Friday marching contests. On 25 May they played in eight villages - marching to Kenneth Alford's The Middy and then playing Balmashanna in front of the adjudicators. In the village of Upper Mossley, where 36 bands played, including Foden's and Rothwell Temperance, our Principal Cornet, Richard Powell, was judged the Best Cornet.  We are grateful to the Greenham Common Trust and West Berkshire Council for a grant to promote musical excellence in part-support of the workshop - which obviously succeeded!


It was a great pleasure for us to play for the visitors from Houdan at the Twinning Association's Reception in the Village Hall on 3 May.  With La Marseillaise and La Vie en Rose, we returned the welcome they gave us during our Parisian Tour in 2011.

All brass players are welcome at our main Band practices at 8 pm on Wednesdays in the Village Hall, or phone me, Edmund Pike, General Secretary, on 0118 9724 249. We would particularly like to hear from tuba players and have both E-flat and B-flat instruments for loan. Tubas do not require vast lung power and suit men and women with a cheerful, extrovert personality. Enquiries about engagements are handled by our Musical Director, Stewart Lewins, 0778 6694491.

Added by stewart August 7, 2013 (4:01PM)

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